August 29, 2011

The most viewed recipe on FoodGawker: A review

If you've ever visited the site FoodGawker (which my traffic stats tell me you probably have), you've probably seen these cookies. They're the kinda funny looking square chocolate chip cookies which are (as of this post) the most visited link from the site, and the third most favorited. So I had to try them.

Recipe can be found here.

I followed the recipe exactly (which I rarely do) and the cookies looked beautiful.

The taste, though, is not for me. I'm not a big shortbread fan. Shortbread is dry and doesn't have a lot of flavor. And, honestly, these cookies were just like every other shortbread I've tried. If you like shortbread, you might love these. I, however, did not. That's not to say anything bad about the cookies, they're just not my cup of tea.

Have you tried these? What're your thoughts?
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  1. I do love shortbread (silly amounts) so maybe these would be right up my street even if they wernt ideal for you! They certainly look it, its lovely to see an honest review :)

  2. Totally! I think anyone who loves shortbread would love them. And they were a lot of fun to make.
