August 6, 2011

My finished Threadcakes entry

Right now, I don't want to eat, bake, or decorate cake. I don't even want to see any pictures of a cake. I'm officially caked out.

It's finally done, though. The project that's been taking all my kitchen time from blogging and you wonderful people is finished. There was a lot of learning involved, though, so that's always good. This was my second ever fondant cake and it came with one key lesson: never try to cover a cake straight from the freezer with fondant. It sweats and generally does bad things. But in general, it went pretty well and was good practice. Without further ado, here are the pictures.

And that's about it. I've still got a lot of 'shoulda's, but overall I don't think it turned out too bad.

Do you have any fondant or gumpaste tips that you learned the hard way?
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1 comment:

  1. love it :) i have never done cake decorating or used fondant
