August 4, 2011

Recipe development

Recipe development has always been something I've been really interested in. I've been thinking about doing more posts on the subject. Is that something you guys and gals are interested in too? Leave a comment and let me know.
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  1. As someone who runs a kitchen for an all boys boarding school, I am always looking for help on how to develop recipes!
    Bring it on!!

  2. I find it fascinating, but the closest I get to development is to take someone else's recipe and adapt it.

    Although I only glanced through it when I borrowed it from the library, I keep intending to buy the book "Ratio" by Michael Ruhlman, which is about the ratios and relationships of cooking and baking ingredients. I think understanding these codes is the key to recipe development.

  3. Anonymous,
    That sounds like quite the gig. I'll be posting a lot more on the subject soon so look out!

    Thanks for pointing out that book. It's on hold at the library now. Can't wait to check it out.
